Sunday, May 3, 2009

HGTV Here I Come...

For my weekend project, I built a raised bed garden. Not only did I build a raised bed garden, but I did it with an insane, biting, wildebeast - ugh, sorry, yellow lab, tugging at my legs, knocking me over, moving my drill, dragging my bag full of home depot goodies halfway across the yard, eating my screws, and generally raising my blood pressure well beyond acceptable levels.

And next week I will plant my garden, after filling it with layer upon layer of organic material. I did a lasagna garden last year - using cardboard, grass clippings, really really old decayed mulch, peat moss, and potting soil. The dirt that is leftover from last year's garden is just gorgeous. Black gold. This year, I'll do the same layers in the new part of the garden and then put some of my compost (first compost harvesting this year) in too.

I'm planting peas, green beans, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, onions, watermelon and carrots under the "intensive gardening" theory. We'll see how it goes. I did a lot of reading today and, in theory, it ought to work. I have to build trellises for the peas, beans, and cucumbers. But now that I'm an expert at negotiating the lumber department at Home Depot, it shouldn't be a problem

Here are a few pictures of my raised bed garden:

And now for the not so HGTV reality... the below picture is what I did this morning. I'm just not Martha Stewart, as hard as I try. This is what it looks like when you go through 3 age groups of clothes for Charlotte (6-9 mos, 9-12 mos, and finally 18 mos). I swear, if there were an army of newborn to 18 month old kids, I could outfit them AND their little toddler army opponents with different outfits 3x/day for a year. The amount of clothing we have is truly ridiculous - it was ridiculous before I sent it to my sister and it multiplied before returning to us. I'm concerned that if we leave it in boxes in Elisabeth's closet, it is going to keep multiplying in there like really yeasty bread and suffocate her in her sleep.

Fear not, the room is clean now. Doug just came upstairs, saw this ridiculousness, and had to take a picture.


beckmast said...

okay so:
1) your raised beds rock. I was supposed to do gardening today and all I managed was throwing some pea seeds in last year's whiskey barrel and dumping some soil on top of them

2) your last picture looks just like what I did today too! UGH

Erin Fennerty said...

Hey, your raised beds look great!!! How tall are they?

Erica said...

12 inches tall. I did about that depth last year, but using the ever so elegant cardboard box to hold it in place, and it was a pretty good depth.