Friday, August 1, 2008


I rented Enchanted from Netflix. To say that Elisabeth and I love it would be an understatement. I walk around singing the songs approximately all the time. We watch it daily. We practice our dancing. We re-enact scenes. Apparently I am going to have to purchase this movie or else we'll never be able to get another Netflix movie.

Also, my h key is not working, so please excuse any typos. I think I'm catching most of them though.

Elisabeth, my darling sweet little girl, said something incredible to me this week. We were on our way home from Costco. Coscto is one of our favorite outings. We have lots and lots of fun there. Each time we drive to Costco, we spend the 25 minute drive contemplating what life would be like if we lived there ("Daddy will have to come and visit us at Costco. We'll have quiet time in the place where they sell all of the tvs... do you think they'll play my movies?") So, I am going back to work full time in 2.5 weeks, and Doug will be a stay at home daddy. So I said to Elisabeth, "Elisabeth - when I go to work every day, will you still come to Costco with me on Saturdays?" The answer (verbatim...): "No, mommy, I won't. I like Daddy best and I want to do everything with him and nothing with you." "Nothing" was overly emphasized.

I might have been in a slightly fragile state. There were tears. So now, for the past 3 days, she's gone around saying, "I will go everywhere with you, Mommy. We'll go to Costco! It will be fun!"

I know she's looking forward to Daddy staying home with her. Heck, I'm not sure I blame her. I'm pretty sure if I were given the option, I'd choose him too. I'm glad that the girls will get this chance to bond with their father. But, really, does she have to try and make the transition easy for me by being mean????

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