Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The effect of working full time on blogging

It turns out that I am at a loss for interesting and/or funny kid stories since I don't get to spend much time with my kids during the week.  No Costco trips, no disastrous mornings in which Elisabeth refuses to get dressed, no lunch outings, no trips to the zoo.  I get home and pretty much go straight to the dinner table.  Then its bed/bath time which quite frankly is often just hectic and stressful.  So I can blog about (1) funny things said at dinner, (2) funny games played before the bath, (3) the nightly battle of which kid gets to sit in the "front" of the bathtub, or (4) night time prayers.    And I think I've covered almost all of those.

But that won't stop me.  I guess each night is the chance for new and interesting stories.  Such as this one - yesterday was fire safety day at school.  Elisabeth came home with a cardboard fireman hat and told us about about what they learned.  Not wanting to miss a chance to bolster our "Parents of the Year" resume, we decided to give her a little test.

Me:  Elisabeth, what happens if there is a fire?

Elisabeth (looking at me like I might be intelligence-challenged):  Uh... things get really hot?

Me:  No no, what would you do if the house was on fire?

Elisabeth:  Oh!  I would stop, drop, and roll.

(Elisabeth gets on the floor and demonstrates)

(Charlotte begins attempting to blow out the pretend fire on Elisabeth)

Me:  Well, actually you only stop, drop, and roll if you're on fire.

(imagine the throngs of students who have had "stop, drop, and roll" permanently implanted into their brains - they hear a fire alarm and hit the dirt - we had great fun laughing about this last night.)

We set the record straight and even decided on a meeting place in case our house ever actually is on fire.  We talked about feeling the door to see if its hot before opening it, and we talked about crawling through smokey hallways.  Fabulous conversations to have shortly before bed, but I suppose conversations that need to be had.

We're expecting our parenting award in the mail any day now.

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