Wednesday, May 14, 2008

exhausted and impatient

I'm just wiped out lately. I seem to be running at a thousand miles an hour. My graduation is Saturday, and my parents are in town visiting. I picked up my cap and gown today. We get to wear doctoral hoods, since we get juris doctor degrees. I always think that things will slow down soon but it seems like they never really do. Who am I kidding, I get bored and ornery if I'm not moving constantly. Heck, if things do slow down, I'm liable to sign up for med school or something.

The calendar says that Elisabeth only has three more days of preschool. Can anyone tell me exactly what I'm going to do with her 5 days a week? I mean aside from hide in the closet so she won't make me play another round of Chutes and Ladders or play gym class. I can really only take so much hopping on one foot while spinning in a circle with a somersault grand finale. Maybe we'll play preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and I'll organize little activities. At least organized activities (as opposed to free play) usually conserve what little of my sanity remains.

On the gardening front - I'm impatient. I know that they say a perennial garden doesn't really do all that well the first year. But its been a month now, and my garden is not overflowing with flowers. In fact, there isn't even a single flower. In fact, the garden doesn't look much different than it did when I planted it. This is not progress. Especially for impatient people like me. I need a hobby that gives you more bang for your joule. Suggestions? Oh and there are critters eating my bean plants. I don't need to wage any more wars on critters. The war against squirrels continues - and I think I'm winning. They now leave all of my bird feeders alone. However, I'm still feeling a little guilty about the ground squirrel I sent flying out of the top of a tree onto the driveway (by chasing him with a hose). The squirrel lived and ran away, but I do feel a bit guilty. So if I have to open up another front on the war on critters, I'm probably going to have to raise taxes.

1 comment:

jimenezlee said...

hahaha, hang in there! and you may as well leave the beans to the critters, you can't win every single battle when you spread your forces that thin... gather the troops! :)