Sunday, May 18, 2008


I graduated in December, but they only do one ceremony per year. So yesterday I got to walk across a big stage and get a rolled up piece of paper that isn't a diploma. Before the ceremony, I thought that it was a little silly and thought that I might not do it. In the end, it was a really nice ceremony filled with a few teary eyed moments. I'm really glad that I went. I mean, when else do you get to wear doctoral hoods? I certainly don't intend to get a PhD anytime...

Doug furthered his quest for sainthood yesterday by packing a nice picnic lunch for my parents, the kids, and himself. He got everyone there on time and got them great seats. Elisabeth and Charlotte got dressed up in their finest dresses and went without their naps and quiet time. It was so fun to show them off to friends and professors. Doug kept the girls entertained during the ceremony with cheerios, cookies, and fruit punch for Elisabeth.

When they played Pomp and Circumstance and all of the graduates filed in, Elisabeth hollered "HIiiiiiii Mommy!!!!!!!" when she saw me (about 5 times). It was so genuine and sweet, and totally made my entire day. Then after I walked offstage from receving my "diploma" she cried when I didn't come to sit with them - which ripped my heart out. She is such a sweet little girl.

Here are some pictures from the day.

When we got home, Doug had champagne on ice and a wonderful present for me! I got a Nikon D40 DSLR camera. I'm so excited to learn how to use it. Expect many more pictures in this space!


beckmast said...

Congraduations! ha ha
And you look oh so spectacular in that hood.

Ok so looking at these pictures made me all weepy-eyed and proud and nostalgic. Thinking back to that 1997 graduation and you packing up (or not packing up as the case may be) to leave MIT.

We've come so far since then - I love seeing pictures of the Everharts. You all are so dope.

The Taylormoore's said...

Well done!!! I couldn't be happier for you. I love the pic's. Well done also on having the girls attend the ceremony. Congratulations! No more law school... EVER!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You deserve it. The girls looked so great -- loved the purple on Charlotte. And Doug, you are an awesome man. Way to go on everything, including the Nikon! Can't wait to see pics. :)

whatsthedeal said...

YAY PICTURES!!!! Oh my gosh Charlotte looks so grown up on Doug's shoulders! And Elisabeth's pigtails are extremely cute. And you look happy and wonderful and I'm so happy for you, Ms. JD. Wooooooot!
And yes, I expect a ridiculous amount of pictures now -- of anything -- your kitchen table, your birdfeeders, every single thing Elisabeth brings home from school -- ALL of it. :)
Yay! You go, graduate!