Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life is...

Too tired for narrative. Many hours in minivan with 2 kids and 2 dogs and 2 adults is long. Lots of you have asked how the trip went. It was fine, except for the last hour when we had a puking dog and a barking dog. At 3am. After 14.5 hrs in the car. Due to the fatigue, here is a new little format for you for today:

Fresh is... pulling a happy, healthy, kind of cute little slug off of your farm share lettuce and throwing him in the trashcan.

Dumb is... giving away your salad spinner to charity weeks before joining a farm share.

Maybe a little crazy is... thinking about that slug as you wash your lettuce and then giving him some lettuce remnants to munch on in the trash can.

Maybe a little crazier is... realizing that I spent good money on organic slug killer that I maniacally go spray on the slugs in my garden and watch them shrivel while I feel all sorts of affection for this little trash can slug.

Frustrating is... a broken laptop combined with the US Postal Service having some hangup about delivering packages to our house quickly. I just want my new screen!!!

Sad is... I'm no longer "Mama" to Charlotte. She woke up this morning screaming MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY, and Mommy it has been all day. Even Llama Llama is no longer Mad At Mama - he's Mad at Mommy.

Cute is... this email that Elisabeth sent to our neighbors who we love like family (the subject was "Love":

1 comment:

rtsbeacon said...

at least you are getting a mommy stage... for some reason 90% of the time Amber already calls me 'mom'.