Sunday, July 27, 2008

another funny saying

Elisabeth has just really blossomed this week with funny sayings. I love it, it makes me remember that she's just a little girl!

I went to a farmer's market yesterday with Heather, and I brought home 6 ears of sweet corn. There is seriously nothing better than fresh picked sweet corn. Elisabeth agrees. She was very excited when I brought it home, and talked about it all day. "Mommy! We're going to have corn tonight. Corn on the hedge!" We corrected her a few times, but then we stopped. I'm pretty sure I prefer corn on the hedge to corn on the cob anyway.

It reminds me of the Amelia Bedelia story where Cousin Alcolu has to prune the hedges and he goes out and puts prunes on the hedges. I think we'll be eating corn on the hedge for a long time.

oh, and I mis-spelled how Elisabeth says freckle. Its not freeckle, its frinkle.

1 comment:

whatsthedeal said...

Like wrinkle, only cuter. :) Do you think she's getting the hedge mixup from that Over The Hedge movie? Have you guys seen that one? (We haven't. I have lots of kid-movie catching up to do someday, clearly.)