Sunday, July 13, 2008

task 1 of summer to do list accomplished...

I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish post bar exam, but before I start my job in August. I've done exactly one of those things, a mere 4.5 months after the exam. In my best "announcer" voice (see the post about this past weekend...): Ladies and Gentlemen, I have finally framed and hung the artwork I've been accumulating since..... early 2004. That's right, pictures that have been sitting around languishing for 4 years now have a rightful place on my walls. At this rate, task number 2 (paint guest bedroom) and task number 3 (paint master bedroom) will get finished by.... 2010.

Someone wise (my floor tutor from Baker) once told me the key to happiness is low expectations. Maybe my list is too ambitious...

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