Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The difference between first and second kids

I know everyone talks about this, but yesterday it struck me particularly hard. In some way I feel bad for second kids (because of things like the story below) and in some ways, they're luckier. They have older siblings to feed them cake when they're not old enough, and to jump right near their heads nearly killing them - which inevitably reduces the otherwise cranky baby to fits of laughter while costing her mother years of her life. Second babies also have the benefit of more relaxed parents. It is very rare that I nearly lose it with Charlotte. Elisabeth beat that out of me. Here's what made me think about this.

Elisabeth rolling over:

Me (when Elisabeth was about 3 mos old and every day thereafter until she was 6 mos old): "Get the camera, I think she's about to do it..."
Doug: "Yep, I think she is..."
90 times later: "SHE DID IT! WOO HOO!! Send the video to everyone we know, and perhaps post it on YouTube so that the world in general can see what a star our baby is..."

Charlotte rolling over:
Me (puts her down on the carpet, amongst the dog hair, without a blanket): "Charlotte, I'll be right back, I have to go put your sister in her room for her nap."
C: (with ridiculously cute grin, kicks her legs innocently, not knowing her parents never EVER left her sister alone anywhere)

5 minutes later...seeing her across the room from where I left her...

Me: "huh, I guess you can roll! We'll tell your daddy when he comes home. In the meantime, perhaps we shouldn't play with power cords." (note the complex command - I start them early...)

Elisabeth's every move was video-ed and photographed. We have great fodder embarassing her in front of future boyfriends. Charlotte, on the other hand, well - apparently she can roll over. Time to baby proof again. This is my least favorite part of parenting. I have a fondness for unrestricted movement in my own house that baby gates inhibit. And if I want to stick forks in the sockets, I don't like having to pry a piece of rubber out of it first.

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