Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Welcome to my ever thrilling life. I blame Heather for dragging me into the blogosphere. But just think of all of the wonderfully exciting things that you, the reader, have to look forward to. There are tales of a two year old "making muffins" out of such exciting ingredients as shredded paper and poop, tales of how I successfully defended my bird feeders from ground squirrels, tales of bar prep, tales of knitting, and let us not forget, tales of the idiots that I tend to encounter more often than an average person. I'm not sure what this higher than average rate of idiot encounters says about me, but I choose to believe it is that I'm more observant than most. And have worse luck.

So stay tuned.

1 comment:

whatsthedeal said...

Yay for your blog and poop stories! I can't wait! I hereby demand at least one kid story every day. Or every other day. Or at least sometimes.