Monday, March 3, 2008


I forgot to add a funny part of our Costco trip yesterday - the trip home. The parking lot was insane. I couldn't even back out of my spot because people kept walking or driving behind me. I finally got out and was driving on a main route in the parking lot when this guy blew through a stop sign nearly hitting us. I slammed on the brakes and yelled "MORON!" (one of those times I'm glad I don't have a mouth like a sailor)

E: What's a moron, mommy?
Me: A stupid person who doesn't know how to drive.
E: Why he didn't know how to drive?
Me: Because he didn't stop at the stop sign.
E: oh.

a few minutes pass.

E: Sheeee stopped at the stop sign, she's not a moron.
Me: No, she's not. She's a good driver.
E: Look look, he stopped at the stop sign, he's not a moron.

a few more minutes pass...

E: Mommy, you didn't stop at the stop sign...

In my defense, it wasn't my stop sign. She thinks she knows how to drive, but doesn't understand that sometimes one directions has a stop sign and the other doesn't. So I'm not a moron. No matter what she thinks. I suppose at some point I'll have to correct her understanding of the definition of the word.

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