Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Charlotte's first word

I'm not insane enough to believe that Charlotte actually said her first word, but if she did, it was "knock knock." As some of you can attest, Elisabeth tells a lot of knock-knock jokes. They go something like this:

E: Knock-knock.
Unwitting adult: Who's there?
E: Peanut butter.
Unwitting adult: Peanut butter who?
E (thinks for awhile): PEANUT BUTTER MONSTER!
E: Knock knock.

this continues until you are so tired of pity laughing that you want to cry, and then it goes on.

So last night at dinner, Elisabeth said, "knock knock." And I swear to you, Charlotte said, "knock knock" -same intonation and everything. Doug and I both looked at each other astounded. It wasn't repeatable, though, so I think that means it doesn't qualify for first word.

And now for a complete subject change. On Sunday, Charlotte broke into hysterical screams, pain screams, twice. The second one was so bad that I decided she might need to see a doctor in case it was an ear infection. I have a severe dislike of taking the kids to the pediatrician, what with all of the raging germs there. So I called our good friends Melissa and Jon (who is an eye surgeon) to see if Jon could look in Charlotte's ears and tell me if they were red or what. All that went fine, Charlotte is ok. This is not the point of the story (although Jon will never know how much I appreciate his help!!!).

That night, when I was putting Elisabeth to bed, she tried to make sense of the whole thing.

E: So you took Charlotte to the doctor because she was screaming?
Me: Well, sort of, I took her to Sam's house to have Sam's daddy look in her ears.
E: Huh?
Me: Sam's daddy is a doctor, he had that little tool that the doctors look in your ears with, and he looked in Charlotte's ears.
E: So you took Charlotte to Sam's house? And Sam's daddy pretended to be a doctor?

It went on like this for some time. I finally explained that when Jon goes to work, he goes to an office like her doctor's office and he is the doctor. I think she gets it.

and now time has come to rescue Elisabeth from preschool. Don't fear, I have the appropriate snacks and juice box (NOT apple, good grief, I dont need another meltdown) to assuage the little beast. She always seems surprised that I bring Charlotte. I would love to climb into the mind of a 3 yr old to see how the world works according to them.

1 comment:

The Taylormoore's said...

I love it! I'm going to tell Jon that he pretends to be a doctor!! :) I'm glad that everyone is doing better. Jon's looking forward to his first legal consultation in exchange!