Thursday, April 3, 2008

sometimes they surprise you...

We go to our favorite Thai restaurant (Natta Thai in Vienna for the locals) approximately once a week. We've been going there with my friend Jean for almost 3 years now. The waitresses have grown very fond of the girls. They have given her Christmas presents, birthday presents, and they always bring her back little trinkets from their trips to Thailand. Today, one of them presented Elisabeth with a crocheted headband that she made especially for Elisabeth. I said, "Elisabeth, what do you say?" And much to my surprise, she said "korb koon ka" which means "thank you" in Thai. We learned that three weeks ago and haven't really used it since. I couldn't have recalled it on command, that's for sure. I think the waitress nearly cried.

Also today, Doug took Elisabeth and Charlotte downstairs to play. Elisabeth wanted to play tennis. Charlotte was crying. Elisabeth asked if Charlotte was upset because she couldn't play tennis and Doug said yes. So Elisabeth continued and asked if the reason she couldn't play tennis was because she didn't have her "white spready thing." Doug said, "what?" Elisabeth repeated herself. He again asked what she was talking about and she hollered back, "are you listening to what I'm saying???" He blames me for this. I deny all wrongdoing and knowledge of ever saying things like that.

Finally - curses on the people who put letters that don't actually form words on things such as boxes. Elisabeth is so thrilled with herself for learning to read. But when she comes across a word that she thinks she can read that isn't really a word, she gets pretty indignant about it and then we end up having an argument. Takes the fun away from learning to read... at least for me.

For example, today she got ahold of a box that had the letters EDL in big letters on the bottom. She worked for awhile sounding it out and came up with ed-el. She was so proud.

E: Mommy, mommy! Edel! Edel! I read it! It says edel! What does that mean?
Me: Well, Elisabeth, it isn't really a word. It is just the letters E-D-L
E: No! It is a word. See? right here! Edel.
Me: no, it really isn't a word. They just put those letters on the bottom of the box. I don't know why they put it there.
E: It is a word. Ed-el. It says E-D-L right here.
Me: I'm not going to argue with you. It isn't a word.
E: Yes it is.
Me: Fine.

Oh, and it sleeted here today. In April. What kind of crazy weather is this? Frozen precipitation in spring is just wrong.

Tomorrow I'll post pictures of the fun we had today with a box (same damn box with the EDL on it) and discuss the confusion that results when Elisabeth says the words girl and goal (which, to those of you who don't know her, sound identical).

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