Sunday, April 20, 2008

sickies, and a new law of baby physics

First, this virus is horrible. Elisabeth's phases of illness went like this: first - high fever for 5 days. Then a horrible cough that kept her up at night and a runny nose. Final phase - the tantrum phase where she threw the most heinous, violent tantrums I have ever seen her throw. We had been a good five months without tantrums until this illness hit and then it was like she was making up for lost time. I don't know if we're fully through this phase yet, but at 9:21 am on Sunday the 20th of April, we are already at a 200% improvement over yesterday.

Charlotte started on Monday. She's through the fever phase (her fever never got as high as Elisabeth's) and on to the horrible coughing phase. Thankfully, Charlotte is too small to throw tantrums and any "tantrums" she does throw, we find so adorable that we video them. I think this is probably why children grow up and need therapy. Or end up in jail for murdering their parents. But those kids probably have some underlying problems - or at least I hope they do, otherwise I should probably start sleeping with one eye open.

Charlotte is living proof of the new law of baby physics that I have come up with. Along the same lines as conservation of energy, I believe there is conservation of poop. Each baby has a predetermined amount of poop that will come out of them. Charlotte spent the first six months of her life pooping every 2-3 weeks (I'm not even exaggerating, and when she did go - you better hope you had at least four diapers and a change of clothes with you). As per the law of conservation of poop, she is now pooping every 2-3 hours - I guess to make up for lost time. Again, only parents appreciate this. Maybe dog owners too, I haven't tried to expand this law to include canines.

Elisabeth just came and told me that I needed to have a bath (nothing like the brutal honesty of a 3 yr old). She then explained to me that last night she had a "toilet bath." I'm moderately concerned about her telling her teachers that we give her toilet baths. From what I can gather, this really means just a wipe down with a wet washcloth as she sits on the potty. At least I hope that is what it means!!!

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