Wednesday, April 16, 2008

more on the sick kids.

Yesterday, we hauled both girls to the pediatrician. I cannot tell you how much I hate having to sit in the sick waiting room. I feel like germs are attacking me as I sit there. It gives me the heebiejeebies. Especially because they have toys in there. Toys that Elisabeth inevitably plays with. And then of course her hands end up in her mouth, my mouth, somewhere before I can sufficiently disinfect. So yuck - sick kid waiting rooms. That is the #1 reason she never goes to the pediatrician when she is sick. Except when she's coughing like this.

Anyway, we went up there because I called the nurse line yesterday and the nurse heard her coughing and thought it sounded asthmatic - so off we went to see if we needed a nebulizer. We didn't, thankfully. But another little girl did. She had a pink one, in a little bag, waiting in line to check out with her mom. Elisabeth said to the little girl, "I have one of those at home too! Mine is a rabbit though." Doug and I were a bit perplexed as we don't actually have a nebulizer at home. Then Doug (who is infinitely better at making these connections than I am) said, "oh - do you mean your Pez dispenser?"

So, next time she's coughing, I'm just going to hold the Pez dispenser up in front of her face and blow really hard.

I had a thought this morning while reading other blogs and watching PBS with Elisabeth. They always play this "read to your kids for 15 minutes a day to make them literate" PSA. I think they're missing their target audience. They should put those sorts of PSAs on Maury, Cops, at the beginning of World of Warcraft, maybe pop them up in Second Life every so often. I think people who are watching PBS with their kids are probably already reading to their kids at least 15 minutes a day. I mean, 15 minutes? Elisabeth scoffs in the face of 15 minutes.

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