Friday, April 11, 2008

seen at pediatrician's office

Elisabeth is sick. High fever (103.2) and extremely lethargic. Took her to the pediatrician where we had to sit in the sick room. The other people in there were all from one family. SIX children. In the sick room. The mother sat there reading a book entitled "Maintaining Peace and Serenity." I laughed outloud and then she glared at me. I think maybe she should read the book a little more closely, the part where it says "This book will not help you when you have six sick children."

Elisabeth has a virus (shocking) and it does not look like strep. So it was a pointless trip, which is why we rarely go to the pediatrician. But at least I know it isn't strep. And now, I will go out to a party alone since on the one night in the past 12 months when Doug and I actually got a baby sitter and planned to go out, we have a very sick little girl. But I have a new dress. That counts for a lot.


whatsthedeal said...

Six Sick Children sounds like the beginning of a really twisted Dr. Seuss book. Enjoy your party as much as is possible with a sick child on your mind. :) Poor E.

Claire said...

I know what you mean about wasted trips to the doctor. I had two last week - both "just in case", but they didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. Ah well. I hope she's better soon!