Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Right now, there is no word that I hate more than "accident." Elisabeth just peed all over the floor. I asked why she did it, and she said it was an "accident." Accident my left foot. She "accidentally" wanted to play with her barn more than she wanted to go to the potty. I'm definitely the parent they describe in the "don't do this" section of most parenting books, especially on potty training. I yell. I threaten diapers. I tell her she'll have to wear diapers to school for the rest of her life, and kids will point and laugh. I refuse to say "its ok, sweetie, it was an accident." It wasn't an accident. It was a choice, and a bad choice, and I don't believe in cushy parenting for bad choices. So bring it, parenting book authors. Come on over and get your fodder for what not to do.

So, she cried - which just made me angrier. Why are you crying??? "I just want a hug." So not only does she make me really angry by peeing on the floor, she makes me feel like an awful mommy who won't hug her own child. But, she still didn't get a hug out of me. She is such a little dramatist that when I said "go play in the other room, mommy needs a break from you," she scampered off happily - so clearly not heartbroken over not getting a hug.

I'm honestly beginning to wonder if Charlotte will beat Elisabeth in the great potty training race. Or perhaps my standard is too high - expecting Elisabeth not to have accidents anymore. Oh, right, maybe I should expect accidents, but I refuse to accept "accidents."

oh, Elisabeth recently decided she likes ice cream. Doug told her that she can't have ice cream every day, that some days are ice cream days and some arent. Her reply: "I have a deal for you. I know when ice cream days are. Ice cream days are days when I ask for ice cream. Days when I don't ask for ice cream aren't ice cream days. Is that a deal?" Future politician, I'm telling you.

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