Sunday, February 10, 2008

good for the gosling, good for the gander

A few mornings ago, Doug was trying to get Elisabeth to go to the potty before school. As per her usual, she protested. She began lobbying to go once they got to preschool. This is a royal pain because there are throngs of small people hyped up on sugary cereals all trying to make their way to the classrooms, so pitstops for potty breaks are not advised.*

Doug told her, "the preschool rules say to please make sure your child goes to the bathroom before coming to preschool" (they don't really say this). She replied, "Where they say that, Daddy? on the sign at preschool?" He said, "no... in the book that they sent us from preschool." Then a few minutes later, when he went to the bathroom before leaving to take her to school, she told him, "The book from your work says 'Please make sure your daddy goes to the bathroom before coming to work.'"

Words to live by.

* I will never, EVER understand why mothers feel it is necessary to wheel their enormous strollers into preschool to drop off their kids. The halls are wide enough for two preschoolers to pass each other and grab each other's ponytails. It is not wide enough for your Bugaboo, let alone your Bugaboo plus 30 parents and children -- especially while you stand there yapping. Take your kid out of the stroller and, horror of horrors, actually hold them.

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