Thursday, February 28, 2008

How last night went...

Imagine a reporter from the sidelines of the Super Bowl, talking to me:

Pam Oliver: "So Erica, you've just completed the bar exam. What are you going to do next?"
Erica: "Well, Pam, I'm going to Disney Wor...."
Elisabeth, at 2am: "mommmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Erica: "scratch that, I'll be spending the next 24-36 hours puking and dealing with a puking 3 yr old."

Within four hours of entering our home, both Elisabeth and I got sick. She went through four shirts, at least one pair of pants, and two sets of bed sheets. It was a long night. But who said I was really looking forward to Thursday February 28, when Elisabeth would be at preschool and Charlotte would nap and I would sit on my rump and watch bad television while eating bon bons and doritos?

Today, Elisabeth seems fine except that she's not hungry. I'm still nauseous, but I've been able to eat a bit. Charlotte doesn't have it yet, neither does Doug thankfully. He really doesn't deserve it. The rest of us probably had it coming for how crazy we've driven him. Charlotte also did not nap, though, so my grand plan was fully and completely destroyed. Not a single bon bon.

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