Saturday, February 23, 2008

The end is imminent

The bar exam rapidly approaches. I feel a sense of impending doom and exhilaration. We'll be gone Monday through late Wednesday night. Elisabeth wants to "watch me take the bar" and "see me do flips on it." She is most excited for the trip because she has a license to watch videos for four straight hours on the way down there.

Yesterday, Elisabeth drew a smiley face. Someone who didn't know what they were looking for might even look at it and say it is a smiley face. Then she drew some other body parts. Her first choice? A bottom. Perhaps we ask her about her bathrooming habits too frequently?

That's it. I don't have anything interesting to say. My brain is too full of mostly useless tidbits of law. So unless anyone is interested in what a plaintiff must prove to get an injunction for private nuisance, I will sign off. You know how they have colon cleansing rituals and products? I'm going to need a brain cleansing on Thursday so that I can remember things such as my kids' names.

1 comment:

beckmast said...

good luck! you are going to do great - I have no doubt. We'll be sending you good legal vibes!!